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    Top 100 de Realself Castle Connolly Top Doc 2015

    Botox™ Newport Beach

    Botox™ is an injectable medication used to rejuvenate the appearance of wrinkled skin. It temporarily weakens the muscles that create wrinkles acting as a great alternative to surgery. Botox™ treatments offer excellent results with few side effects.

    It is most commonly used to treat wrinkles in areas such as:

    • Frown lines
    • Smile lines (crow’s feet)
    • Forehead
    • Neck

    Botox™ is typically administered through a series of treatments lasting between 3 and 8 months. Oftentimes, two or three sessions are needed early on to get a good baseline result, similar to the use of collagen. The details and specific length of treatment are determined on an individual basis. After the series is complete, patients may require touch ups that occur less frequently and administer less medication.

    Botox™ is the most common, non-surgical treatment used to temporarily smooth moderate to severe lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines), expressionary lines located on the forehead, and lines around the eye’s known as crow’s feet (periorbital lines). The procedure is quick with no down-time.

    What is BOTOX™?

    Botox™ is a purified protein produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. The product temporarily blocks the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles; reducing the activity in these muscles thus decreasing the appearance of lines/wrinkles.

    When will I see results from a BOTOX™ treatment?

    You may begin seeing improvement within a few days, with continued improvement during the following 3-4weeks. Results generally last up to four months.

    How long does BOTOX™ last?

    Results can last up to 4 months. If treatment is not continued then the lines will gradually return to the pre-treatment appearance.

    Is Treatment with BOTOX™ painful?

    The injection is performed with a very tiny needle making the discomfort very minimal. The procedure generally takes less than 15minutes and you may return to your normal activity immediately after treatment.

    Are there any side effects to BOTOX™?

    The most common side effect is a minor headache that generally goes away within a few hours. Less common side effects are; nausea, migraine headache, respiratory infection, flu like symptoms, temporary eyelid droop (ptosis) and pain in the face.

    What are the contraindications to using BOTOX™?

    You should not use Botox™ if you have an active infection in the area wished to be treated, if you have a sensitivity or are allergic to any ingredient in the BOTOX™ product. Any person with a neurological disorder such as ALS, Myasthenia Gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome can be at risk for serious side effects. You should also refrain from treatment if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
